在鼠年的天氣預報:今天夜裡大面積地區會下美元,西北方向有時有支票,局部地區還會有金塊! 氣象部門提醒市民準備好大麻袋,準備發財!!祝所有的朋友們春節快樂!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Valentine's Day SMS
1. U r unique
U r caring &
U r the best….
N I’m d luckiest to
Have U in my life!
2. My valentine:
Why would I bring you chocolate
when you are the treat.
My valentine:
Why would I bring you flowers
when your smell is what’s sweet.
My valentine:
Why would I buy you a card
when the words can be heard through me.
My valentine:
Why would I take you out some place
when all I need is to see your face.
My valentine:
Why would I celebrate this on one special day
When I can do it always.
3. Be My Valentine
This may be a little silly,
But I have a question for you,
Will you be my valentine?
‘Cause no one else will do…
I know you are my boyfriend
But will you be my valentine?
I can’t think of anyone else
I’d want to have as mine…
No one else gives me the tingles
The way you always do,
So, will you be my valentine?
So I can share this with you…
No one has ever kissed me
And sent chills down my spine,
Until the night you kissed me,
So, please be my valentine…
Like I said this is silly,
But I have one last question for you…
If you agree to be my valentine,
Can I be yours too?
4. Valentine’s mean to spend time with the one u love
Valentine’s mean that kisses,huges,smiles and candy
Valentine is the day u and me will be together with love
My love is true and never blue all about u.
Why.Cause Valentine’s! Roses could be red violet’s maybe blue
But my Roses R True 4 u on Valentine’s…………
5. Every day I come to school;
I spend a lot of time
Learning all the things you teach,
Which is the reason I’m
Sending you this Valentine;
It’s meant to let you know
I’m happy you’re my teacher
And I want to tell you so!
Happy Valentine’s Day
To my favorite teacher!
I love you more today than I did yesterday,
But not as much as I will tomorow.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
6. Valentine is a lovely day 4 all lovers
i think it’s also u!
Because u r my sweet ‘VALENTINE’
7. —;-<@
Roses exclusively from a nice person... ‘U‘
From a simple person... ‘ME‘
Keep roses until they dry...
Keep my relation until I die...
Happy Valentine‘s Day !
8. U r my love & u r my valentine…
I do love u & it’s true,
I never knew my life without u
I wanna live but it’s only with u,
Please be my valentine, I will hold u 4ever
9. A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for me.
Everything is for you, and you are for me..